We are equipped to serve pastors and local churches in developing the steps and strategies to maximize their impact. Survey the areas below to see if we can serve you well. If any of these areas can help you, or perhaps we can serve you another way, simply click the Contact for Consulting button and complete an inquiry. Our team will gladly contact you soon.

Pastor & Staff Search Assistance

For the local church, there is nothing more pivotal than selecting your next leaders. Regardless of denomination or ecclesiastical structure, finding the right fit is essential to fulfilling the church’s God-given assignment. We do not lead pastoral or staff search processes for the local church; but we do partner with those who lead the process in order to advise them from a pastoral perspective. Too many churches make bad selections simply because they do not know what they are looking for. We help remedy that issue.

Church Visioning & Strategy Support

Proverbs 29:18 tells us that “Where there is no vision, the people perish.” However, if there is vision, but no strategy and support, the vision perishes. We help pastors lead their church through vision alignment so the great things God has revealed can become reality. We equip the pastor/visionary with the tools to capture and communicate vision effectively, and build the strategy to support that vision long-term.

Finding Your Church’s Justice Assignment

Justice and Jesus are not oppositional; they are in complete, biblical agreement. Yet, local churches are often effective at doing charity, but not so much at doing justice. The local church that authentically lives out the Gospel must be concerned about that which concerns Jesus. Every church is positioned and called to be an agent of justice within its context. We help pastors and local churches discern their justice assignment and strategically live it out in transformative ways.

Maximizing Your Church’s Community Impact

The local church is uniquely crafted to make an impact wherever it is planted. It is not a coincidence that your church is rooted where it is. The key to effective community engagement is discovering how the church’s strengths meets the communities weaknesses. We facilitate the process for pastors and churches to be awakened to the needs of their surrounding community, and to strategize an appropriate and sustained response.